Master’s Programs

   The Faculty of Agriculture’s Master’s programs are intended for students who have earned the degree of Bachelor or Professional Bachelor. The latter may pursue a Master’s degree only in the professional direction they have graduated with.
   The duration of tuition for Master’s degree is 1 year (2 semesters) for Bachelors who have graduated with the same professional direction as the Master’s program. Bachelors of other professional directions and Professional Bachelors are taught for a period of 2 years (4 semesters), with the first year being dedicated to make-up courses from the packet of required subjects for the degree of Bachelor in the same major as the Master’s program.
Zooengineering major
   Education to obtain Master’s degree in Zooengineering is available for 14 programs:
  1. Reproductive biotechnologies in animal husbandry
  2. Combined feeds and feeding
  3. Technology of milk and dairy products
  4. Technology of meat and meat products
  5. Horse sport
  6. Poultry breeding
  7. Aquacultures
  8. Special industries
  9. Pig breeding
  10. Cattle and bull breeding
  11. Sheep and goat breeding
  12. Management of food quality and safety systems
  13. Feeding of domestic animals
  14. Horse breeding
Ecology and environment protection (EEP) major
   Education to obtain Master’s degree in Ecology and environment protection is available for 3 programs:
  1. Protection and management of the environment
  2. Ecotourism
  3. Safety of labour, ecological risk and action during disaster in the agricultural sector
Agronomy major
   Education to obtain Master’s degree in Agronomy is available for 3 programs:
  1. Production and realization of fruit and vegetable produce
  2. Production of seeding and planting material
  3. Biological production of fruits and vegetables


Tuition fees
  • Zooengineering major, state funding, part-time tuition – 700 leva fee for one year
  • EEP major, state funding, part-time tuition – 600 leva fee for one year
  • Agronomy major, state funding, part-time tuition – 700 leva fee for one year
  • Paid tuition for all majors, full- and part-time – 900 leva fee for one year